Below is the pricing for our events. The cost of insurance, beach permits, employees, equipment has gone up in recent years so we have adjusted rates to the current market so that we may offer a great national tour each year.
Professional Men's division
Must be paid 7 days prior to an event or a $35 late fee will be added
If entry is received after the deadline of 7 days prior to any event a late fee will be added to entry fee.
Each surfer must be a member to enter the event unless they pay the one event only fee of $275
Each surfer must be a member to enter the event unless they pay the one event only fee of $275. This is only good for one event.
Division is for women only
All paid members only pay $195 once membership is paid for the tour
All entries are due 7 days prior to each event or a $50 late fee is added on to entry fees.
All competitors must pay the tour membership or you will pay the single event entry fee of $250
Add a footnote if this applies to your business
Membership $150
Entry $185
Late fee: $50 (If received after deadline of 14 days prior to each event
Non Member 1 event only entry - $250
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